Self-created stagnancy: Stay strong in the desert season.

The devil offered Jesus an oasis while he prayed and fasted in the desert. Fortunately, Jesus understood His purpose and knew it was nothing compared to the promises that God had for Him. Therefore, Jesus refused to settle for cheap comfort during one of His most vulnerable moments in life.

In this dispensation, individuals (some false and some who mean well) have infiltrated Christianity with messages that offer an oasis…similar to what the devil offered Jesus in the desert…to believers in their desert season. Victims of these messages are those who are struggling and need a breakthrough. Unfortunately, this has birthed a dangerous trend of loyalty to opportunity givers within the body of Christ.

Here is what the Lord says:

“My children spend a lifetime waiting on the prophecies of man to manifest in their lives. If they would submit to my will, time, and words, I would lift them up with their gifts (Proverbs 18:16). Unfortunately, they have chosen to fill their cups with empty promises and to affirm themselves with man-made mantras. They have moved ahead of me and put their hope in oases.”

Avoid an Oasis? This is an advice that you wouldn’t expect someone to give. I want you to consider the geography of an Oasis. It is a patch of land in the middle of land (a desert) that lacks good vegetation for human survival. Basically, a you cannot enlarge your coast with such vegetation nor establish a strong structure on such land:

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”— Matthew 7:24-27

I tell you the truth! The only goal of that oasis is to rob you of your Promise Land by keeping you complacent during life trials in a land that is partially fertile. Imagine where we would be if Jesus had accepted the devil's offer? It would have diverted Him from His purpose on Earth.

Friends, some people have kept you in an oasis with their doctrines. This is why you are still on their platforms hoping your respect and loyalty will produce an awaited opportunity. You have neglected God’s will for cheap comfort and confined your gifts to the vision of a person or popular platform. You allowed impatience, the thirst for influence, and “loyalty” to a platform result in you moving ahead of God; you turned your stones into bread (Matthew 4:3) during your desert season.

It is important to keep this in mind during your desert season: our identity and purpose is founded not in our popularity or riches, but in God. Therefore, don’t fall for the opportunity of an oasis (platform, success, and prosperity) during your desert season of life and ministry. Yes! The desert season is rough but don’t fall for every opportunity that comes your way because it will do nothing but keep you stagnant and away from the promises that God has for you.



The Error in Jerry Eze Communion Doctrine


Self created stagnancy: don’T rely on a Platform