Self created stagnancy: don’T rely on a Platform

One way to remain stagnant in life is to chase after established platforms or take on a calling that isn’t for you. Such aspirations are mostly motivated by a desire to be in popular settings where one may gain influence/popularity; society calls this “a seat at the table.”

In this pursuit, you can become preoccupied with the affairs of such an establishment and lose sight of the platform and calling that God has given you. Unfortunately, this neglect is powered by the feelings of self-doubt especially when you have few supporters; loneliness; and the desire to be part of something big.

Please do not misunderstand me. It is permissible to take a seat at the table and make contributions. However, know this and know peace: such seats are conditional and can be taken away especially when the head seater becomes intimidated by your talent. Therefore, do not spend your life chasing after conditional opportunities nor build your identity around someone’s platform

Yes! Walking in your God-given calling can be lonely, especially if you are surrounded by people who do not understand it, but stay strong and endure. Do not divorce your destiny for cheap popularity and compromised followship—Never abandon your calling for another, and don’t abandon your platform to be part of another. Do not kill your vision because you are caught up giving life to the vision of another person.


Self-created stagnancy: Stay strong in the desert season.


How to elevate Yourself