Christian marriage: Don’t Be Unequally Yoked

Growing up as a Christian, you most likely heard 2nd Corinthians 6:14 repeated at every singles and relationship conference. This is because such scripture encourages believers not to be locked together into any binding relationship, whether marriage or friendship, with unbelievers. However, I would like to add compromised believers to this category.

Everyone agrees that 2nd Corinthians 6:14 has been overused. However, it is more crucial than ever to remember this scripture regarding marriage. I say this because we are in a time when society is reconsidering traditional values and exploring spirituality beyond conventional faiths. As a result, more and more individuals are engaging in movements that go against God’s original plan for life.

I will address three main areas that are against this Divine plan.

Homosexuality and gender dysphoria

There is a wicked movement against God’s original plan for biology. As an outcome, people are marrying persons of the same sex or "changing" their natural gender. Even some individuals prefer to identify with gender-neutral pronouns such as "they," "them," "it,” or “X.”

You don't want to enter a marriage with a person who believes LGBT is acceptable. Why? If your kids are struggling with gender dysphoria, you don't want a spouse who will affirm it. Therefore, abide by the word (2nd Corinthians 6:14). Don’t create for yourself a situation where you must choose between God and family.

New-age spirituality

Have you noticed that a growing number of individuals are turning away from traditional Christianity and exploring new-age spirituality instead? Some have even started blending the two belief systems.

New-age spirituality is outright against God. It is an occult spirituality that Christians shouldn't embrace. Therefore, it is vital to consider a person’s spiritual beliefs. You do not want to yoke yourself with someone who embraces new-age spirituality or has the potential to pull you into such practice by way of marriage.


Men, this section is mainly for you.

We live in an era where abortion is promoted as an alternative for women who do not feel prepared to become mothers. The movement has become so cruel, that it enables the absurd notion that having an abortion is only the woman's decision to make. This means a woman can have an abortion without the father's consent and be legally protected.

When searching for a partner, ensure you discuss their stance on children and abortion to avoid being in a situation where you lose your seed due to their beliefs on abortion.

Brothers and sisters in Christ. Be mindful of the times we live in. 2 Corinthians 6:14 is still relevant and essential to follow in today's situation. Do not yoke yourself with unbelievers or compromised believers who have been misled by the spirit of the times. Marriage and family life are spiritual; it is a spiritual covenant before God. Therefore, it's important to marry someone who shares and stands on Christian beliefs.


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